Wordless Wednesday – My 30th Birthday

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This weekend I celebrated my 30th birthday with an awesome carrot cake my husband made me. It didn’t turn out perfect (darn bundt cake pans are tricky if you don’t know what you are doing) but it was the first he ever made special for me and it even included my favorite, homemade cream cheese frosting! For a present he got me a very cool bike. Thanks honey!

For dinner my husband and I shared some awesome sushi. I got a Maki Combo (along with a tuna roll) which includes a variety of the CHEF’S CHOICE. And in it I found this bad boy. A bit scary but I decided to be daring and bold. I was really surprised that it was a little chewy but good.

I think I’ll spare you all the picture my husband took of me eating it. I’m not sure you all want THAT visual. (Sorry Cat. I hope you didn’t just faint!)

For more Wordless Wednesday check out Oh My Sugar High for my first fondant cakeThe Shopping Mama , 3 Kids and Us, Jennifer Leigh Designz, 5 minutes for Mom and Seven Clown Circus.


  1. Happy 30th! I was pregnant during my 30th birthday so the celebration was minimal. It is incredibly sweet of your husband to bake you a cake, perfect or perfectly imperfect! I may have to hint around to my husband about that for my 35th next month! 🙂

  2. Hmmm. Makes me wonder if my husband has ever made a cake for me. I don’t think he has!

    Okay, back to you. I can’t BELIEVE you ATE that??? I am such a wimp when it comes to food. I’m not sure I’d let that on my table, much less my plate and my mouth! 🙂

    Happy birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday! That cake looks great! How sweet of him. That fishy tail thing however looks really icky I can’t believe you ate it! Lol.

  4. Looks like you had a nice birthday. I’m all for trying new things, but I’m pretty positive I wouldn’t ever eat anything that looked like that.

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful 30th birthday! Your hubby did a great job making you that cake, yum! As for the sushi and that squid (is it squid??) I got really frightened looking at that, LOL! You are a brave woman!! LMBO about what Virginia said (did the tenticle stick to your cheeks) ahaha! Well, did they?! 😉

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